Expanding Security Doors are ideal for Education

Expanding Security Doors are ideal for Schools, Tafes, Colleges, Universities

ATDC’s S06 expanding security doors for education are an ideal lock up solution for Government and Private schools, Tafes, Colleges, Universities, Kindergartens, Child Care centres and other educational institutions.

Are ATDC’s Expanding Doors Ideal for Educational Institutions?

Expanding Security Doors Education
Expanding Security Doors for Education

What security did we provide for Balcatta High School?

An earlier press release from ATDC in September 2020 featured an installation that was still in progress for Balcatta High School in WA.

Specified by Hassell Architects and project managed by PS Structures, this installation has now been successfully completed and the photograph above features further applications for the expanding security doors on this high profile project.


Why are ATDC’s security doors perfect for this type of application?

Folding neatly and compactly away out of sight when unlocked and not in use but providing a good lock up solution when closed, they also permit maximum air flow and ventilation through the door curtain. Schools may have special health and safety requirements for minors, which ATDC can endeavour to find solutions for in each bespoke project.


Contact Us Today

Learn more about our full range of commercial folding doors by browsing our website. See our full range of commercial roller shutters and doors to folding doors and more.

Contact us at ATDC toll free from anywhere in Australia on 1800 657 435. We can discuss your security needs and find the best solution for you.


Available Worldwide

ATDC sells its security grilles in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Canberra as well as in all regional areas across Australia including Townsville, Darwin, Hobart, Newcastle and Geelong.

ATDC also has a thriving export business with its security grilles now being sold throughout South East Asia and the Asia Pacific region (including Vietnam, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia), as well as to the UAE, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.